4 Job Search Trends Every Career Coach Needs to Know Now

Coaching is truly the heart of IMPACT Group. Research proves job seekers are 2.67x more likely to land a new position when they use job search assistance. We’ve seen this hold true for our relocation and outplacement clients across the globe.

After attending The Career Thought Leaders Conference & Symposium, I’m energized and inspired by the thought leadership and innovative ideas occurring in the career management space. A high caliber of speakers discussed what’s new and what’s next for career management – including Demystifying SEO with Konan Hauser and Little Changes that Net Big Results with Elisabeth Sanders-Park.

Career coaches have the amazing opportunity to be a life-line during stressful career transitions. They can better do this by continuously adapting to the latest job search strategies. Here are 4 such trends all career coaches need to know:

1. Start with Mindset

No two situations are ever alike for clients. Job searching alone is taxing; add in a difficult relocation or an unexpected job loss and the individual is overcome with a gamut of emotions. This reality means coaches must remain versatile to customize their approach. But before the coach can determine what approach to take, they need to understand the job seeker’s mindset.

Mindset is our fixed attitude or disposition that predetermines how we respond to and interpret life situations. In a job search, mindset has a tremendous effect on how quickly job seekers bounce back from obstacles and gain the confidence they need to secure the best opportunity. Susan Whitcomb, Founder and President of The Academies, Inc., shared the latest research on brain-based coaching. These fascinating techniques uncover limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that can prevent job seekers from achieving their goals.

Leveraging assessments can also drive greater self-awareness and enable job seekers to uncover their unique skills and strengths. Using a variety of tools and techniques in our approach helps us meet our clients where they are in their journey – no matter their career – to help them discover all the possibilities for their future success.

2. Become a Social Media Strategist

Social media isn’t going away. Watch this quick video if you need more convincing. Social spaces are expanding by the day, and they are perfect for growing a job seeker’s professional brand online. There is a platform for every profession – it’s a matter of knowing where your clients should be.

As career professionals, it’s our job to assess the job seeker’s experience and career aspirations to recommend the right social spaces. LinkedIn is still #1 but that does not mean it is the right tool for all industries and professions. Innovation is constantly taking place in this area, and it’s easy for job seekers to feel they have to do it all. There’s a greater advantage to building a strong presence on the right sites instead of starting a presence everywhere and not following through long term. This makes coaching paramount for job seekers to allocate their energy appropriately.

A variety of industries and companies are starting to leverage non-traditional job search sites, such as Snapchat and Pinterest, to connect with job seekers. New apps are being released as well. Switch is one such app that feels similar to online dating – only for job seekers and companies. Explore a variety of social media sites and apps to stay on top of the right ones for your clients.

3. Rethink Recruiter Relationships

One request we hear often at IMPACT Group is job seekers want to work with a recruiter. Traditionally, job seekers establish a relationship with a recruiter to learn about opportunities and be connected to potential openings. This recruiter-job seeker dynamic has shifted dramatically.

Individuals need to rethink how they connect with recruiters. It’s now expected that they build an online presence in the spaces recruiters frequent. Clients who take an active role in finding, following, and interacting with recruiters early on – even before their job search begins – stay top of mind for new opportunities. Encourage clients to build the right online presence so recruiters can easily find and interact with them.

4. Understand Passive Talent Pipelines

The ease of applying online means hundreds if not thousands of applications are submitted for a role. The mystery of getting past an applicant tracking system is not new to us – but what if clients skip the online application all together?

Companies are building passive talent pipelines so pools of candidates are on their radar before a position becomes available. Job seekers should interact and engage with target companies through social media before they launch their job search. This directly promotes their brand and increases their visibility before they fight to be noticed in a sea of résumés. Coach clients to identify their top companies of interest and engage with the brands, employees, and decision makers early and often.

Each job seeker deserves a career strategy that is unique to her story. Our coaches are committed to moving all careers forward – from nail technicians and nurses to HR directors and biostatisticians. The variety of careers we touch is astounding, meaning the need to stay on top of trends is paramount. IMPACT Group has developed a Job Search Advisory Board to capitalize on our coaching intelligence, gain insights from subject matter experts, and determine which trends are here to stay. We are committed to empowering people and unlocking potential, and we take extra measures to ensure we continue to do that well.